After looking through reviews online, I concluded that the Nikon-D40X would be a suitable DSLR for an eager learner like me and so I went off to my warehouse contact and managed to get one for a steal at roughly RM 2400. It comes with a camera bag, an AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm lens as well as a tripod.
Picture taken with my old favourite Olympus Fe-280. Will be doing some figure shoots with the Nikon soon, look forward to it!!
what coincidence. i bought a new camera recently as well. a nikon too, the COOLPIX P5100. i have posted a few pics at my blog, do drop by when you are free. ^^;
sorry for the double post. one more coincidence, my old camera is an olympus as well! FE series as well! the FE5500! ^^;
@gordon: coincidence? i think not. LOL
That`s SweeeeeT
oh shi~
everyone is upgrading to DSLR ;__;
grats, that camera is similar with the camera I'm using (I use D40, same feature but less megapixels ^^)
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