March 09, 2008

Haruhi wants you!! The Haruhi Gender Bender Project

We want you!! For the Glory of Haruhi!!!

As most of you folks out there would have known by now, there is a massive undertaking at animesuki forums to rewrite Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu where all the characters will be gender swapped.

I have personally joined my comrades in the forum to contribute to this project which i view as a most holy undertaking by fans who love the series.

So, I hereby appeal to all of Haruhi's followers and minions to join in the Great Crusade to make history in the name of The God- Empress and the Holy St. Nagato.

Join the Her Holy Crusade here.

That is all. Setsuna out.


Anonymous said...

Lol, I'm so behind times that I've actually found out about this gender bender project today XD.

Anonymous said...

Best original anime project. EVER. ^^

Anonymous said...

woah. Now thats cool,didnt known anything about this project. a switch gender. ><

And MU lost to portsmouth!! T_T i was watching LIVE hoping they could win but wut? keeper gets a red card and ferdinand becomes the keeper T_T! now they are out of the FA cup. ><

Anonymous said...

@choo: I still wonder why they did replace Van der Sar in the first place. No one replaces a goalie unless he is severely wounded! Ferguson no Baka!
(Sorry for the random comment)

Anonymous said...

I'll stick to being a spectator and see how this would turn out in the future.

Setsuna-san said...

@lanie-emon: its never too late to convert.^^

@d_blade: lol dont worry, this blog is full of randomness as it is.

@choo: join!! Haruhi compels you to do so!! or will it be Haruki now?

@hangmen: do contribute if you could. ^^

Anonymous said...

kyonko is more moe than haruhi! :D

Anonymous said...

The thread's moving too fast for me to keep up wwwww