January 26, 2008

MAGe Festa 2008 : First and Only Day.

This was the first time I had ever attended an otaku related event and it was an interesting experience to say the least. Though the turnout for the event was less than expected(in part due to the event location being located in a rather secluded area) you could feel the effort that was put into this event by the organizers and all the attendees. At least it had more spirit than the Youth 08 event.

Also, the ratio of cosplayers to attendees was really high.(something like 1:3) Which made the event much more lively. I also got to met some of my fellow bloggers at that event. They were really nice folks and I was glad I met them. Below are a few select pics of the day.(Theres a limit to the number of pics i can fit in here, for more please visit my photobucket account here.)

The Figure Mall's figure exhibition booth.
Attendance was low but that was alright. The cosplayers made up for it.(those two guys sitting there wearing black shirts are my friends whom i dragged along.^^)
Hare Hare Yukai Dance.(ok but not as good as others that i have seen)
The President of MAGe Club giving a speech while cosplaying as Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club.
Cosplayers galore.
(Best female cosplayer IMO would be the one at the bottom left. I need to watch Rozen Maiden and soon!)
Have no bloody idea what he was doing but it was funny nonetheless had me ROFLing.
Definitely most GAR cosplayer of the lot.
The guys from the Figure Mall figure exhibit. Great exhibit folks, keep it up!!!
(From left to right: LilKeV84, Exiled_Gundam, e-jump, Aiko, and valho)

All in all a good event to kick start the new year, looking forward to more events in the future.^^

For more photos click here.

Note: i didnt stay for the whole event so some of the other bloggers might have a better overview of the event.


Anonymous said...

Is it me or does the place look kinda vacant?

Anonymous said...

@Setsuna : Woot. coverage. Mine wont be up so soon. Nice meeting you there. Sorry didnt chat with you long enough. The music was too loud and to much naruto+bleach+haruhi depleted my mood =__=

@Shin : I believe those pic were taken earlier that day. Crown gets bigger by 3pm, but not by much either

Anonymous said...

Neat, I wonder if I should help organize a figure booth at my kon lol.

Anonymous said...

Wish I was able to attend (damn working weekend (-_-;). I have to question the placement of venue. I mean, no offence to the folks of Nilai but isn't it wee bit out of way for the average otaku & fujoshi to attend?

Anonymous said...

hey setsuna-san!

nice meeting u there!~ XD
hope the figure booth satisfy u :P turnout was kinda low...expected more though :(

oh...and thanks for the group pic XD

gordon said...

was the event advised?

gordon said...

sorry, i meant advertised. my bad. ^^,

Setsuna-san said...

@All: the place was kind out far away from the city which is good for studying but a little inconvenient for organizing events.

@AS: looking forward to your booth.(soon i hope)

@e-jump,LilKeV84:Nice meeting the both of you as well!

@laniemon: working weekend sucks. SECONDED!

@gordon:yes, it was advertised on the comic fiesta forums. link here: http://comicfiesta.com/forumy/index.php?showtopic=14366

Anonymous said...

thanks for the group photo and nice meeting you there :)
I just posted my report on Sunday, too tired and too many photos to go through haha

Anonymous said...

I thought I’ve lost all hope in humanity with cosplayers, but when I saw the fully-loaded military dude (who’s he suppose to be from, F.E.A.R?), my faith is restored. Now I'm thinkin' of packin' my whole military gear the next time there are hobby conventions in Sabah.

Anonymous said...

That is Sweeeet..
Gotta agree with you.
The guy in combat suit is the most gar.

Anonymous said...

omg check out all those figures.
Lucky you cause i never attend any anime events b4 T_T

Setsuna-san said...

@valho: nice meeting you as well.=)

@hangmen: looking forwards to your military cosplay.!!

@rokku: glad you saw it my way.^^

@choo: =_=". i feel for you man.