January 24, 2008

MAGe Festa 2008 come one come all!!!

On the 26th of january ill be attending a local otaku event called MAGe Festa (MAGe= the word MAGe is a short form and combination from Manga, Anime and Game Enthusiast.)2008 in Nilai International College.

There will be a few other bloggers attending as well such as: valho from toysworks, e-jump, and Likev84 from Journey Through Otakuism.

Will be bringing back a report on the event, hopefully it will turn out to be good.


Anonymous said...

Just wondering..
Where it is held at?
Crash wif soy event...

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your coverage of MAGe Festa ^^.

Setsuna-san said...

@rokku: the event is held in Nilai International College, Negeri Sembilan.

@lanie-emon: will do. would you be going as well?

Anonymous said...

see u there!~ XD

Anonymous said...

Not really. Will be working this Weekend (T_T'). Just my luck.

Anonymous said...

*In a solemn tone of voice*
May you have fun. I expect great event coverage from you.

Anonymous said...

woah. lucky guy T_T i never been to any event b4