Also, the ratio of cosplayers to attendees was really high.(something like 1:3) Which made the event much more lively. I also got to met some of my fellow bloggers at that event. They were really nice folks and I was glad I met them. Below are a few select pics of the day.(Theres a limit to the number of pics i can fit in here, for more please visit my photobucket account here.)
(Best female cosplayer IMO would be the one at the bottom left. I need to watch Rozen Maiden and soon!)
(From left to right: LilKeV84, Exiled_Gundam, e-jump, Aiko, and valho)
All in all a good event to kick start the new year, looking forward to more events in the future.^^
For more photos click here.
Note: i didnt stay for the whole event so some of the other bloggers might have a better overview of the event.